showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family  Namco;Brøderbund (Nihon Falcom)1987Long, long ago, an evil dragon terrorized the forest until it was imprisoned by a powerful wizard. Now, years later, the dragon has revived and it's up to you to use the power of the wizard's descendants, the Draslefamily, to defeat the dragon once again.
The whole family takes part in this action adventure as the parents, children and even the family pet search huge dungeons for gold, keys, magic, hidden crowns and finally the magical sword that can destroy the dragon.***There doesn't seem to be any prominently displayed catalog number on any of the media. Yet the Japanese number is NAM-DS4-4900 and the US number is NES-LC-USA.***[media=youtube]Mw49GWtonLk[/media]***The fourth game in the "Dragon Slayer" series of RPG/action games originating on Japanese homecomputers. You play several members of a family to retrieve four crowns and finally a magical sword to beat an evil dragon. The items can be found in a huge and complicated 16x16 rooms labyrinth. Each of the family members has special abilities giving them advantages in certain parts of the labyrinth (e.g. the father can move blocks, the little sister jumps very high etc.). While the graphics, controls and music are not bad, this game has a huge problem. It is incredibly confusing, complex and difficult. Dead ends, secrets, a ton of unfair spots and a labyrinth design that lets you cry for a good hint book - and even then it is still frustrating.
Fester's Quest  Sunsoft1989The Addams family are not very strange, in fact they are quite smart. You see, it was Ma-Ma who always warned of the alien UFO coming to invade their city. All the other Addams thought she was crazy, but Ma-Ma, using her crystal ball, put a protective spell on the Addams family house. As Uncle Fester was Moonbathing one night, the fabled UFO appeared and beamed all the people in the town up. When the Aliens scanned the Addams house for life forms, they found none, thanks to Ma-Ma's spell. It is Gomez who must protect the Addams house, so Fester took his trusty gun and set out on his quest to rescue all the townspeople from the Alien UFO. labelimagesubject